Saturday, December 14, 2019

10 Strategies to Avoid Stuffing Yourself On Holiday Treats

It’s here again—the holidays! It’s that time of the year when people have parties and get-togethers. Of course, they’ll be plenty of sweets to eat at these events. You'll want to enjoy the special foods the holidays bring, without packing on the weight that comes with holiday binging. Right? Is that even possible?
You bet it is, if you eat the holiday treats and skip the snacks you normally can get at other times of the year.
In other words, you can have cheese ‘n crackers and chips ‘n dips any time of the year. But your sister-in-law only makes those special Christmas cookies once a year. Opt for the foods that are special holiday treats. Leave the rest for other times of the year. Choosing wisely and observing reasonable limits should get you through the holiday season unscathed. 

Here are 10 strategies to help you cut out the extra calories you simply don’t need:

  • Don't stand near the buffet table and munch mindlessly.
  • Don’t arrive at the party absolutely starving.
  • Check out the spread before you dive in, so you can eat the Holiday treats that bring you the most pleasure.
  • Trade in the dinner plate for a smaller plate.
  • Eat more protein than carbs
  • Think about how you want to feel when you’ve finished eating—comfortably full or stuffed
  • Practice gratitude. Think about who harvested and transported this delicious food. Who prepared it for you? Was it made with love or mass produced?
  • Savor your food and eat it mindfully! If possible, sit down and take time to socialize between bites.
  • Enjoy the people and the event itself. Don’t focus on the food.
  • If, despite your best intentions, you overeat, practice self-compassion and put the guilt to rest. Instead, ask yourself, how you can do it differently the next time.

  • To sum up, eat special holiday food in an amount that gives you pleasure without stuffing yourself. As always, let me know how you did. Wishing you Happy Holidays! 💖_Lisa