Friday, April 30, 2021


Teas and Their Health Benefits

Green Tea

Perhaps you’ve heard of the health benefits of green tea, which include enhanced cognitive functioning.

Green tea is rich in polyphenols, which are micronutrients with antioxidant properties that can protect against the effects of free radicals. A 2017 study found that one polyphenol in green tea may lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by interacting with the building blocks that form plaques.

Drinking 5 or 6 cups of green tea daily may help increase metabolism, and in turn, spur weight loss.

Black Tea

Black tea may play a role in preventing cognitive decline, inflammation, heart disease, and diabetes. It also contains flavonoids which may help lower the risk of developing cancer.

Jasmine Tea

Jasmine tea uses green tea as its base, so it has the benefits of green tea with the added flavor of jasmine.

Jasmine flowers contain antioxidants which may protect cells from age-related damage, and jasmine has been linked with improved physical well-being. It’s also purported to reduce the impact of stress. The smell of jasmine tea is soothing and able to calm nerves, so next time you need a stress reducer, don't reach for a candy bar, try a cup of jasmine tea instead.

Hibiscus Tea

Studies have suggested that extracts from the hibiscus calyx and hibiscus leaves have antioxidant and antitumoral (helping to stop abnormal cell growth) effects, and therefore they may protect against the aging effects of free radicals.

Hibiscus tea has also been tied to cardiovascular benefits by helping to regulate blood pressure, and the polyphenols in hibiscus leaves may help reduce tumor cell death in skin cancer, this according to a 2015 study

Rooibos or Redbush Tea

Research suggests that the antioxidant effects of rooibos are similar to, but not quite as powerful as, green tea.

A recent study in rats suggests that the antioxidants in redbush tea may lead to protective benefits for the liver, helping to make it more resilient to damage.

Rooibos has been cited as helpful in lowering blood pressure and relaxing tense muscles.

Rooibos does NOT contain any caffeine, unlike green tea, so you might enjoy it after dinner instead of a sugary snack.

As you can see, there are many teas that are reported to contain health benefits. So, drink up! It’s the opinion of this nutrition and weight-loss specialist that tea does a body good. __Lisa!

Friday, April 9, 2021


Intermittent Fasting or IF as it is referred to in the literature, has become a popular method to lose weight.

What is IF, and will it work for you? Like many weight-loss formulas, Intermittent Fasting is not for everyone. If you decide you want to give it a try, I recommend working with a nutritionist, especially if you are athletic or work out as part of your daily routine.

With intermittent fasting, there are several ways of restricting the time in which one eats. One way is fasting on alternate days. Another method is to eat within a specific time period. A common IF protocol is to fast between 8:00 pm and 12:00 pm, so you are not eating for about 16 hours. Or, some people prefer a 12-hour fast, between 8:00 pm until 8:00 am, for example.

If you are thinking about intermittent fasting, there are many things you need to consider. First, ask yourself, “Is this realistic for me and can I sustain it indefinitely?” This is a critical question. Personally, intermittent fasting will not work for me. I usually get up at 5:00 am and I am hungry by 6:00 am. I also enjoy a small snack around 8:00 pm so IF is not for me. However, many of my clients tell me they are not hungry until 10:00 am or noon and do not care about breakfast. For these clients IF might be a great way to reduce calories without deprivation. However, as I said, if you decide to try intermittent fasting, it is very important to work with a nutrition specialist, like me, to ensure that you are getting adequate nutrients, especially enough fruits and vegetables.

A second important consideration is your fitness schedule. I exercise at 6:15 am and I need a small snack before that workout. However, your preference might be to do cardio on an empty stomach early in the morning and then refuel. A 12-hour fasting window may work fine for you, but again, it’s important you consult a professional to ensure that you are getting enough calories and properly fueling your workout.

A third consideration is sufficient protein. If you are doing strength training or intense cardio, you need to replenish with sufficient protein and a complex carbohydrate. Sometimes IF leads to insufficient protein if exercisers do not refuel properly.

A fourth consideration is whether or not you struggle with nighttime grazing, as many of my clients do. If you are consistently grazing after dinner IF might not be a realistic weight-loss method for you, and you may be better off working with me on nighttime eating strategies.

A fifth consideration is that you need to stick with IF for at least 8 weeks, and preferably forever, in order to reap the benefits. Ask yourself, “does this fit with my lifestyle?” (IF is contraindicated for those younger than 23 or older than 75, pregnant, or breast-feeding, those with advanced Type 1 diabetes, or those with a chronic sleep disorder, or an eating disorder.) Here is what some of the experts on aging have to say:

“The IF method includes food selection, timing, and frequency manipulation and may involve caloric restriction. These variables lead to changes in eating and sleeping patterns, resulting in positive alterations to metabolic rhythms.”  (Aksungar et al. 2017).  “The altered biorhythms in turn, shift inflammatory biomarkers, hormone secretions, microbiome health, cognitive function, and metabolic pathways all of which can potentially expand life span.”  (Carlson et. al. 2007; Mattson, Longo & Harvie 2017).

The question is: Will intermittent fasting help you lose weight more than a typical low-calorie diet?  That depends on your body, your metabolism, and how IF fits with your lifestyle. If you are curious and think you might like to give it a try, I’m happy to work with you to ensure that you are not skipping any key nutrients and are fueling your body with enough fruit, vegetables, and lean protein to function at your best! Call or email today to schedule a consultation. (207) 415-8375.